Welcome to Django Models’s documentation!

Django Models is Library with several useful Models for Django to help you make your templates smart or with less code


Generic Models

  • SerializerModel

    Model to return a dict with all data of your django instance without a serializer.


Your Model

from django_models.models import SignalsModel

class YourModel(SignalsModel)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)


In[1]: from . import YourModel
In[2]: instance = YourModel.objects.first()
In[3]: user.serialize()
Out[3]: {'id': 1, 'name': 'first record', ...}
  • SlugModel

    Model with a slug field. Useful to use in urls or nominal references

  • TimestampedModel

    Model with the DateTime, created_at and updated_at fields. Useful to control when any changes were made.

  • UUIDModel

    Model that uses the id field as a UUID. Useful to be able to have a unique identifier without worrying about sequences.

History Model

  • History models

    Model that track each save to generate a History Changes of a record

Signals Models

With SignalModel it allows you to handle or execute an event according to Django’s Signals.

On Save:
  • pre_save (Before Saving)

  • post_save (After saving)

On Erase:
  • pre_delete (Before Erasing)

  • post_delete (After Deleting)

Example using Pre-save signal

Note: This will be made before you save your model

from django_models.models import SignalsModel

class YourModel(SignalsModel)
    def pre_save(self):

Soft Delete Signal Model

It is the SignalsModel with soft delete implemented. Allows nothing you delete to be really deleted from the system and easy to recover