
Update or Add New

To add new or update documentation, you must add or change existing files in RST format, located at docs_src/source


If you added a new file, make sure you add the reference in the directory docs_src/source/index.rst

Update the translation

Today we have 2 translations, being en (english) and pt_BR Portuguese, if you want to add one more, just add the prefix of the language that will be generated or updated in located in docs_src/source/locale/

  • Generate the .po files to update

$ cd docs_src
$ make gettext
$ sphinx-intl update -p build/gettext -l pt_BR -l en
  • Update the .po files in docs_src/source/locale/< LANGUAGE prefix >/LC_MESSAGES/


#: ../../source/index.rst:28
msgid "User Guide"
msgstr "Guia do Usuário"


The .mo file will be generated when you generate the HTML files

Generating the documentation

The project uses GitHub Pages to host the documentation files, so all HTML files must be located in /doc

$ cd docs_src
$ sphinx-build -b html source ../docs/en -D language='en'
$ sphinx-build -b html source ../docs/pt-br -D language='pt_BR'