Documentation ============= Update or Add New ----------------- To add new or update documentation, you must add or change existing files in RST format, located at ``docs_src/source`` .. note:: If you added a new file, make sure you add the reference in the directory ``docs_src/source/index.rst`` Update the translation ---------------------- Today we have 2 translations, being ``en`` (english) and ``pt_BR`` Portuguese, if you want to add one more, just add the prefix of the language that will be generated or updated in located in ``docs_src/source/locale/`` * Generate the .po files to update .. code-block:: bash $ cd docs_src $ make gettext $ sphinx-intl update -p build/gettext -l pt_BR -l en * Update the .po files in ``docs_src/source/locale/< LANGUAGE prefix >/LC_MESSAGES/`` Example: .. code-block:: text #: ../../source/index.rst:28 msgid "User Guide" msgstr "Guia do Usuário" .. note:: The .mo file will be generated when you generate the HTML files Generating the documentation ---------------------------- The project uses GitHub Pages to host the documentation files, so all HTML files must be located in /doc .. code-block:: bash $ cd docs_src $ sphinx-build -b html source ../docs/en -D language='en' $ sphinx-build -b html source ../docs/pt-br -D language='pt_BR'