5. Dynamic Form and Field

5.1. DynamicForm

In the same way that ModelForm does not need to manually add each attribute, using DynamicForm, you just need to add the field name with an additional one that allows you to add the “Label Name” to the list

  • Simple Example

from django_api_client.forms import DynamicForm


class CompanyExampleForm(DynamicForm):

    class Meta:
        dynamic_fields = {
  • Advanced Example with custom fields and label name

from django_api_client.forms import DynamicForm


class CompanyExampleForm(DynamicForm):
    phone = forms.CharField(max_length=15, label=_('Phone'))
    cellphone = forms.CharField(max_length=20, label=_('Cellphone'))
    email_contact = forms.EmailField(label=_('Contact Email'))
    active = forms.BooleanField()

    class Meta:
        dynamic_fields = {
            'name': _("Company Name"),
            'brand': _("Brand"),
            'cnpj': _("CNPJ"),
            'phone': '',
            'cellphone': '',
            'email_contact': '',
            'active': '',
  • Advanced Example with validation

from django_api_client.forms import DynamicForm

# These imports are only show a real CNPJ validation
from django_stuff.utils import remove_special_characters
from django_stuff.validators import validate_cnpj


class CompanyExampleForm(DynamicForm):

    class Meta:
        dynamic_fields = {
            'name': _("Company Name"),
            'brand': _("Brand"),
            'cnpj': _("CNPJ"),

    def clean_cnpj(self):
        value = remove_special_characters(self.cleaned_data['cnpj'])
        if not validate_cnpj(value):
            raise forms.ValidationError("CNPJ Invalid.")
        return value

5.2. AjaxChoiceField

Is the same of a ChoiceField but you are able to populate the choices using ajax directly from the template and submit the result

  • Example

from django_api_client.fields import AjaxChoiceField

class TestForm(DynamicForm):
    sub_category = AjaxChoiceField(label=_("Sub Category"), widget=forms.Select)

    class Meta:
      dynamic_fields = {